The Power C Compiler

Power C is an ANSI compatible C compiler for DOS that requires very few resources. It can be installed in less than 1 Meg of disk space and will run on any PC that runs DOS 2.0 or later. It is compatible with CPUs from the 8088 through the latest Pentiums®. Power C combines high-performance software with superb documentation, all for less than the price of most C books alone. It's your fast route to fast programs without the fast bucks.

The quality of the Power C documentation makes it easier to learn C. The manuals (if any) that accompany our competitor's products are terse at best. They contain little or no information about C, and very few examples. In contrast, the Power C book includes a step-by-step tutorial and is chock-full of example programs. Many of our customers say that it's the best C book they've ever used.

The quantity of functions in the Power C library makes it easier to accomplish your programming tasks. The Power C library contains more than 420 functions, a superset of the functions in Microsoft C 4.0 and Turbo C 1.0. In addition, Power C includes a large number of video and graphics functions. You get super-fast functions for drawing lines, boxes, circles, ellipses, pie charts, and more.

The speed of the Power C compiler makes programming fast. Power C's integrated MAKE utility saves you time and effort by automatically managing your large programming projects. If you modify your program, Power C makes a new version by recompiling only the files that have changed. The compiled programs are equally fast. Just check out the performance chart. See how much time and money you save with Power C.

Technical Specifications

Minimum System Requirements:

  1. DOS 2.0 or later
  2. 400K memory
  3. 2 floppy drives or hard drive
  4. Runs on IBM PC, XT, AT, PS/2 and compatibles

Optional Products


·         Library Source Code

The Library Source Code includes the Power C assembler, the Power C library manager, and all the C and assembly language source code for the Power C function libraries. The Library Source Code is useful for examining, changing, or extending the operation of one or more of the library functions. The Power C assembler may be used as an alternative to Microsoft's assembler for writing functions in assembly language.

·         BCD Business Math

The BCD Business Math library includes binary coded decimal floating point routines and financial functions for calculating the time value of money, depreciation, etc... The IEEE floating point routines supplied with Power C are best suited for scientific calculations, whereas the BCD floating point routines are best suited for financial calculations. The BCD routines eliminate inaccuracies caused by rounding.


*Library functions
*Power C Trace debugger
*Product List


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