Learn C faster with your own personal instructor

The C/Video Course

The C Video Course is a comprehensive training course that takes you from beginner to proficient C programmer in the shortest time possible. Developed by training specialist Silicon River Ltd., this course was designed specifically for video. Advanced display techniques were used to produce a visually stimulating presentation. By keeping your interest level high, the video ensures that your retention level also remains high. In addition to teaching C, this course builds the foundation you need for learning C++.

You can use this course with any standard C or C++ compiler. The complete course includes six DVDs or VHS tapes, a workbook, and a disk full of example programs. The course is divided into 31 units that are studied one at a time. For each unit, you first view the video presentation, then work through the corresponding exercises in the companion workbook. The programming exercises are designed to drive home the ideas presented in the video. After completing the exercises, you view a brief workshop segment at the end of the unit. This is an interaction between instructor and students, reviewing the assignments just completed. The workshop allows you to compare your experiences with those of other students taking the course.

The entire Standard C language is covered in 13 hours of video. Including the time spent working through the exercises, you should be able to complete the course in approximately 60 hours. Even though you may not know anything about C when you start the course, you should be a proficient C programmer by the time you finish.

Experienced C programmers have also found that the course teaches them things they didn't know, especially about the latest standards. They've also discovered that it corrects some misunderstandings they've had about specific language features, and clarifies important issues affecting the portability of their programs.

The C Video Course is suitable for either home or office use. All you need is a TV and VCR to view the tapes. Of Course, you will need a C compiler to perform the exercises. Any standard C compiler may be used. By itself, the C Video Course is very effective at teaching you C. You can also use it in conjunction with the training that you might receive at a seminar or local college. The videos provide a convenient way to review subjects that you may not completely understand. Companies interested in using the video courses to train several programmers at once should ask about our cost-effective corporate packs.

The videos are available on DVD or VHS Tape in NTSC (used in the USA, Canada, Japan etc) or PAL (used in most of Europe) formats. Please specify DVD or the correct format of VHS Tape when ordering.

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